Athena - You are a great moderator and cool and a awesome person.
Inferno - I've known you for a pretty long while,and you are probably my favorite admin on escape and was on unscape.
Invincible - I don't know you too well and I don't have much good history with you,so I would like to fix that,I still think your pretty cool.
Yomite - I remember when I just met you on unscape. I was hearing all this good stuff bout you on the forums then just randomly pmed you saying hello and started up a conversation. Your a cool guy and a heck of a friend.
Tyler - We had a server together for about 2 months. It was fun with GGGG and rune prince
Blieker - don't really know you lols but hi
Zinnnnnnn - A cool friend and a heck of a graphics designer
Piguy - You were there for me when we had the huge Scythx insidient. Your a awesome guy a cool friend and also a great graphics designer.
Anus humper - We used to play unscape and you would tell me bout how you would find all these scammers and crap and tell me bout them. That was pretty funny how you were on a streek of getting about 30 scammers a week rambled up. Lol
Sealy- I known you for a while. I forget how I know you but yeah lol.
Speedcore - o.o hello i don't know you that much either lol